Creating homes that harmonise energy efficiency with superior comfort is at the forefront of modern architectural endeavours. PassivHaus designs, with their commitment to minimising energy consumption, stand as exemplary models for sustainable living.
As a leading MVHR supplier in the UK, we recognise the pivotal role ventilation plays in achieving the delicate balance between airtightness and a healthy indoor environment. The Dantherm range of climate solutions offers a range of PassivHaus certified MVHR units so our expertise means that you can achieve a PassiveHaus or near Passivhaus build. In fact, the Dantherm RCV 320 P1 is currently the highest performing PassivHaus MVHR unit on the UK market.
The Significance of Ventilation in PassivHaus Designs:
PassivHaus designs are engineered to minimise reliance on traditional heating and cooling systems, emphasising airtightness for energy conservation. However, this pursuit of efficiency poses a challenge – how to maintain a high indoor air quality without compromising the stringent energy performance criteria.
Achieving a PassivHaus build is a time consuming process and MVHR is an essential part of PassivHaus design. For anyone investing in a PassivHaus build their focus should be on using quality products that are highly efficient and reliable. In this article, we shed light on the importance of ventilation in PassivHaus designs and highlight the strategies we employ to optimise indoor air quality with Dantherm MVHR systems.
Maximizing Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in PassivHaus Designs
Without proper ventilation, the IAQ in PassivHaus designs may suffer, potentially leading to health issues for inhabitants. In traditional homes, uncontrolled air leakage and insufficient ventilation can result in elevated levels of pollutants such as dust, allergens, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and mould. In stark contrast, PassivHaus designs prioritise superior air quality by minimising air leakage and incorporating advanced mechanical ventilation systems.
Designing a PassivHaus Heat Recovery System
Good design is crucial to effectiveness and reliability of any MVHR system. Getting a PassivHaus MVHR specialist involved early in the building design process will ensure that ducting and equipment housing have been thought about before the final design sign off. At JRL Group we have experience of designing and installing PassivHaus certified MVHR systems, using the PHPP software and ensuring not only the highest possible thermal efficiency, but also minimal static pressure within the ductwork.
Exceptional IAQ: The Benefits of Dantherm MVHR
Dantherm systems come complete with all necessary accessories to ensure the highest indoor air quality at all times. This includes:
- Inbuilt humidity sensor to continuously monitor and automatically clear excess humidity.
- A VOC air quality sensor – this is important in an airtight home because any chemicals and pollutants within the air cannot escape naturally.
The inbuilt humidity sensor constantly monitors the humidity of the internal air and will automatically boost the fan speed to remove any excess humidity detected, such as when showering or cooking.
Because PassivHaus builds often have a lot of floor to ceiling, triple glazing which create solar gains, it is common for passive buildings to overheat in the summer. Many MVHR designers or homeowners would assume that you would need to install cooling into these areas prone to overheating however, clever system design offers a simple solution. We can design the system to remove the heat generated from solar gains and either recover it and redistribute it through the system or remove it without heat recovery via the inbuilt 100% heat exchanger bypass.
Additionally, after a hot sunny day, the system allows cool night air to flow into the home, and helps maintain a comfortable indoor temperature during the day. This reduces the pressure on the occupants to try to cool the home first thing in the morning and last thing at night.
Effective Strategies for Optimal IAQ
At JRL Group we collaborate with architects and builders to design and implement effective strategies for maximizing IAQ in PassivHaus designs. There are three key strategies to maximise IAQ:
- Heat Recovery Ventilation (HRV) and Energy Recovery Ventilation (ERV) Systems:
MVHR, HRV and ERV systems are integral components of PassivHaus ventilation. These systems facilitate a continuous exchange of indoor and outdoor air while minimising heat loss or gain through the use of heat exchangers.
By efficiently recovering heat or coolness from the outgoing air, these systems ensure energy-efficient ventilation without compromising on indoor comfort.
- Filtration Systems:
High-quality G7 air filtration systems are seamlessly integrated into our ventilation solutions for PassivHaus design. These systems effectively remove particles and allergens, and prevent outdoor pollutants coming into the home, contributing to a healthier indoor environment.
- Occupant Behaviour and Source Control
While mechanical ventilation systems play a crucial role, occupant behaviour is equally important. Simple actions, such as regular cleaning, avoiding smoking indoors, and using low-toxicity cleaning products, significantly contribute to reducing indoor pollutants.
Sealing potential sources of pollution, such as gas stoves, enhances the effectiveness of ventilation systems.
The Benefits of Optimal IAQ
Maximizing IAQ in PassivHaus designs yields multifaceted benefits:
- Health and Well-being:
Improved IAQ reduces the risk of respiratory illnesses, allergies, and other health issues. The constant supply of fresh, filtered air enhances overall well-being for occupants.
- Energy Efficiency and Comfort:
Proper ventilation strategies ensure comfortable indoor temperatures with minimal energy consumption, enhancing overall energy efficiency.
- Environmental Sustainability:
PassivHaus designs, with their focus on energy reduction, contribute to a healthier environment. By prioritizing IAQ through effective ventilation, these homes minimise their ecological footprint.
Alternative Heating Systems
As the popularity of alternative heating systems continues to grow, more self builders and developers are realising the many benefits that MVHR offers. The benefits are not merely that of a healthier living environment, MVHR means that you can sustainably control the heating and cooling of your home which reduces your carbon footprint and reduces your heating bills.
Why MVHR is Key to PassivHaus Design
Ventilation and mechanical heat recovery is not merely an accessory in PassivHaus designs; it is a cornerstone for achieving the delicate equilibrium between energy efficiency and indoor comfort. As a dedicated MVHR supplier, we take pride in our role as collaborators in the pursuit of sustainable living. Together with architects and builders, we are shaping a future where PassivHauss stand as beacons of energy efficiency, comfort, and environmental responsibility.
PassivHaus Certified MVHR – UK
With bases in Sheffield and Rye, East Sussex, we are ideally placed to assist with your PassivHaus MVHR needs. Whether you are specifying for a new build or a retrofit, we can help you every step of the way and put you in contact with our Dantherm approved installers.
MVHR Suppliers UK & Ireland
We supply Dantherm MVHR to installers throughout the UK and Ireland. We have a UK based technical team ready to support you, and can offer quick lead times.